Monday 5 June 2017

Welcome to the AudioVisual Cave!

Welcome all,

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the lack of images or other visually appealing content in this first post. There will be plenty to come.

I am an Australian AV enthusiast who currently operates on a modest budget but keeps and maintains an ever-growing collection of various media formats. I am always on the lookout for new Blu-ray's (including those in the 3D or UHD flavor), Super-Audio and standard Redbook CD's, DVD's and DVD-Audio, or any new advancements to home cinema that I can try.

Despite my limited student wallet I also would love to get my hands on some of the rarer VHS tapes or Vinyl, although sadly this particular side of my hobby often must give way to newer technology.

It is certainly an exciting time to be alive; home technology has progressed in leaps and bounds with recent revolutionary inventions such as Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision. We are also at a time where older but superior formats such as Vinyl are finding their footing again in mainstream consumption and despite the dying popularity of formats such as SACD, DVD-A and 3D they are still all somewhat available for those of us who still enjoy them.

I love the concept of enjoying the old with the new. putting in a VHS exclusive that I used to cherish as a child and then switching to Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk on UHD with 60 frames per second (a controversial choice I know, but one that worked in the film's favor in my opinion) with HDR10 and Dolby Atmos is quite a surreal yet complete feeling; I can never discard a piece of working technology just because it has been deemed 'old' by new standards. I love having such a large and diverse collection and the bigger it gets the more I feel I am assembling a time capsule that demonstrates how home media has evolved and changed over many years.

I also enjoy being a casual gamer; I certainly don't have the game collection to match the A/V department, but I own a few consoles and a 3DS and have followed franchises such as Resident Evil, The Legend of Zelda and even the up-and-down Sonic the Hedgehog.

When my spare time isn't consumed by theses things, I enjoy cycling, amateur photography, birdwatching, and sharkspotting. I attempt to balance my life out but find a lot of it devoted to home media with very little way to share some of its wondrous aspects, hence the creation of this blog which I hope accurately captures what I am trying to convey and perhaps even inspires some people to adopt a certain piece of technology that they were previously on the fence about.

I will regularly share opinions/reviews/discussions/new insights/interesting trivia on a variety of things, such as my collection, rare finds, new releases, hardware, software and anything in between. I love sharing and feedback so if you have any constructive criticism, requests, discussion points, questions, or anything really please send me an email at or leave a comment. I will try my very best to both respond to emails and update this blog in a timely manner.

As this is an introductory post and not dedicated to any particular topic, I will not write anymore other than to leave a message to those who are considering an upgrade to UHD Blu-ray. See if you can find a demo of the UHD edition of Planet Earth II playing on an appropriate display (a 4K TV with Wide Colour Gamut and High Dynamic Range is ideal). It has been out for a few months already and is looking to be this year's visual reference quality disc.

I hope you enjoy this blog,


Sharkspotting blog:

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